Sunday, November 6, 2011


Please vote on Tuesday, November 8th. We can have a voice in how our city is managed. We owe it to ourselves and our children in these tough times. As mayor of Brockton I will hold weekly press conferences and listen to the residents about how our city is managed. Public safety must be the number one priority in Brockton. We owe it to our children to keep them safe in the schools and playgrounds. We cannot accept even one murder a year in this city. I believe that we as a city can provide more police on the streets. State and federal aid is becoming less and Brockton needs to be self reliant on itself with effective management and transparency within its finances. We need to question where are money is going and how it is being spent. We need to prioritize safety over questionable contracts that are costing this city millions of dollars. If we don't at least question these contracts such as the desalinization plant then we will never know if we can regain even some of the 5 million dollars a year that Brockton is spending on a questionable contract. My biggest hope is that you vote on Tuesday, November 8th and start to get involved in the process of running our city. A vote for me on Tuesday is a vote for openness and transparency in our city and with that vote a voice in our local government who will not be afraid to ask these questions and say "Why Not" instead of "We Can't."

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