Friday, August 26, 2011


I am no stranger to Brockton and have lived here all my life.I have seen many changes in the past decade that have propelled me to run for Mayor of Brockton. Fed up with high crimes rates and government oversights. I will stand up and fight for the residents of Brockton. The city is in much need of real change and thru leadership and courage I will not be afraid to call upon Brockton and the residents to address the issues that have plagued our city for decades. I believe we can change Brockton for the better and if we take a pro-active role in making certain priorities top of the list that Brockton can finally overcome some of its most pressing issues. The crime rate in Brockton is one of the highest in the state and our police force does a great job with the resources that they have. I want to give the police more resources to fight crimes. One area that needs to be address is putting more police on the streets. I will work diligently to find the resources and money that is in Brockton to increase public safety. Brockton has the money and the recent water billing fiasco has shown me that we waste and lose too much money that is needed elsewhere. I can not accept excuses about why we can't add more police on our streets. If we ask this question to our elected officials we are left with blank stares and excuses that we just don't have the money. Recently I have been looking at ways in which Brockton is losing money and one of them is our agreement with Stonehill College that allows them to be billed at residential rates and in some estimates we are losing up to half a million dollars a year and probably more.
This is unacceptable to me and this is just one area that I feel if we start taking back some of the money that rightfully is ours we can make significant improvements of area's of public safety. This is just one agenda that I will make a priority as Mayor. I can longer accept that as a city we cannot hire more police for our protection. I also believe that it is the civic duty of all residents to get involved in running our city. The residents are vital in making change and while listening to many of them I feel that we have to consider their idea's about how we can change the city and incorporate their ideas about public safety, cleaning our streets, making our city business friendly and listening to them about the environment in Brockton and proposed power plant. One of the first things I will do when I am elected Mayor will to take a 20% pay cut to help put Beat-Cops downtown.

1) Put more police on the street to make city safe.

2) Will encourage business to come to Brockton which mean jobs. We need a full time city planner.

3) Will make city government accountable to the people. looking into outdated agreements with Stonehill College and other industries that we are losing money to by not charging commercial rates
for water. Working with developers and businesses to revitalize abandoned property that we are losing money on.

4) I will not be an invisible mayor. My door and telephone number will always be available. No screened questions, tell me what it is and I will try to help.

5) Listening to the residents about the proposed power plant and overwhelmingly opposing the plant so close to schools and a residential area.

6) Increase Code Enforcement to crack down on businesses and abandoned buildings and properties that warehouse junk cars and create an eyesore for the city helping to decrease property values.

7) Mandating the CFO to explain to the citizens our finances and not treating the budget like some wall street investment firm that only a financial analyst can understand. We are homeowners and the CFO works for us. We are the stock holders and I will demand that in layman's term to account for our Enterprise fund and General fund be accounted for. We need to know where the money is and not be told Brockton doesn't have the money. I want an explanation as to why on paper Brocktons budget and rating is high but then being told that we have no money. I will sit down with the CFO and do a line by line analysis of our Budget and cash reserves.

8) Our streets, sidewalks are mess. If the person in charge cannot do the job then like in the private sector we find some one that can do it. We can make every excuse in the book about not having the money to not having the equipment but we owe it to the people to clean these area's for the protection of the people using the sidewalks and the beautification of the city.

Recently while talking to many residents and asking them about pressing issues in Brockton several themes keep on topping the list. More police, cleaning our streets and abandoned house's and enforcing code violations, attracting businesses to Brockton, having government officials and department heads held liable for their lack leadership and mismanagement just like the private sector holds management responsible, looking at the actual finances and funds that the city has. We need to explain to the residents just what that means instead of trying to undermine them and act like it is to complicated for them to understand. Also I Oppose the power plant.

We can and will make a difference. Please contact me and I would be more than willing to talk to you about the future that Brockton can have. MATTA1@COMCAST.NET

Ron Matta


  1. Great job Mr. Matta. It really seems like you actually care for the city of Brockton. Thank You.

  2. Finally an alternative!!
